The chaotic world of living, working and simply being alive in 2016 has us using our left brain all the time. This non stop 24 seven overload of not being able to switch off often leads to stress and in the worst case scenarios leads to a feeling of being burn out. Balance is the key for optimum health and there is so much advice out there now saying we need to introduce more right brained activities into our working days and into our precious weekends off. But what exactly is a left brain and a right brained experience?
A basic summary is the left brain thinks more methodically and linearly. Its all about the past and all about the future. Its all about lists… of our day to day duties at work to chores at home. It thinks in language, its the brain chatter that says pay the gas bill, collect the laundry, get the car serviced etc.
The right brain is all about this present moment, its all about right here right now, it thinks in pictures. It feels the present moment energetically through our sensory system and decides what any given present moment tastes like, smells like, feels like, looks like and sounds like. Often when we are surrounded by extreme beauty in nature our left brain chatter switches off and we feel the beauty and awe of what we see before us with a sense of presence and peace.
But to really understand how right brained experiences can enrich your life watch the following amazing Ted Talk. It is one of the most watched Ted Talks. Jill Bolte Taylor is a neuroanatomist who whilst living her busy life completely in her left brain had a life experience at 37 that forced her completely into her right brain only… it would change… but enhance her life forever.